Foot pain is something that many people make the mistake of ignoring. In fact, as most consumers grow old, they often start accepting this discomfort as a normal part of life. If you find that your feet are sore, tired, and stiff after a long day of work, you may be wearing the wrong shoes, standing incorrectly, or failing to get the proper arch support. It is important to contact a foot doctor whenever your discomfort last more than one week, and when the pain makes it difficult for you to engage in normal activities. It is a also a good idea to consult with one of these professionals if you have chronic heal pain or problems with your toenails. Issues such as ingrown toenails can be excruciating, and they can also lead to functional problems in other parts of the foot. With treatment, not only will your comfort levels improve, but your posture and mobility will improve as well. Moreover, with far less pain to contend with on a daily basis, you could find yourself enjoying a far higher life quality overall.