Many people have used honey to heal various diseases. However mad honey Nepal is very different from the commercially available honey or normal, natural one. The reason is that it is contaminated with some grayanotoxins that are leading to poisoning or intoxication upon consumption.
Mad honey is useful to stimulate the body like an alternative therapy to many people who have gastrointestinal disorders and the ones who have hypertension for a more extended period. Honey is one of the liquids that is containing many substances that will help the person body and enhancement of body strength.
Various purposes employ the mad honey. This is very different from regular honey. Many people who are complaining of diabetes, ulcers, abdominal pains, and arthritis may benefit from mad honey. The type of honey has the highest antioxidant activity compared to other kinds of honey. You will therefore have an opportunity to use the mad honey like a weapon.
The use of mad honey is very common today, and its popularity is rising with global demand. Mostly the middle-aged men are using the type of honey to enhance their bed performance. The intoxication of mad honey is diagnosed clinically, suspected to patients who have no earlier heart disease record.