Ever had that toxic managers workplace? You know the one who makes you dread going into work because of how they treat their employees. Well, toxic managers are pretty standard in today’s workplace–in fact, many toxic bosses may be unaware of their behavior. That being said, toxic management is not an easy subject to talk about. On the contrary, it can be a sensitive topic for some people to discuss with their boss or HR department.
How do you deal with a toxic manager?
It can be easy to start blaming yourself when dealing with a manager, but try not to. Remember that it’s not your fault, and you are not responsible for the toxic boss’s behavior. You can’t change or fix them, so don’t bother trying. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and maintaining your sanity.
One way to deal with a toxic boss is to set boundaries to protect yourself from negativity. This might mean keeping your distance emotionally, refusing to take their calls outside of work hours, or declining any requests for favors.
If you’re dealing with this manager, it’s essential to document everything that happens. This can include emails, text messages, or even just notes about the conversations you have with them. This will help if you eventually report their behavior or file a grievance.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.