When you have self closing hinges, life is good. Just imagine. Your cat or puppy can’t escape the room when you don’t want the pet to. The same can be said for the case of busy soccer moms.
Excited toddlers are known to make a sprint when least expected. When the door, gate or lid closes automatically, no worries. You can be content in the knowledge as well as the fact that home security is better. Such a security feature, no matter how simple, deters burglars.
What more, your privacy and that of your loved ones get better protection. It’s the next best thing to closing the curtains or the blinds. Inventions are absolutely amazing and help improve the quality of our lives over time.
They can also yield added benefits from the discovery of other uses. Like the good old masking tape, which can be used to instantaneously remove lint, hair, and other minute debris from your clothing. It’s easier than you think!