NIL NCAA Meaning: NIL is a Latin word meaning “nothing” or “nil”. This term can be used to describe a score of zero, as in NIL-0. NIL NCAA meaning is the idea that an individual has no athletic eligibility left for collegiate sports. There are 2 main reasons why someone could have NIL NCAA meaning, which will be discussed later on in this article.
The first main reason is that the NIL NCAA is given to an individual who transfers schools during their collegiate career. When a student-athlete decides to transfer, they must sit out of competition for one academic year before being able to play again. If this person was a NIL NCAA meaning athlete prior to transferring, then all NIL are wiped clean when they transfer and begin competing at another school immediately following the expiration of their ineligibility time period.
The second main reason is that NIL occurs after receiving NEDA or National Collegiate Equestrian Association (NCEA) eligibility while attending college as an equestrian rider and wanting to switch over from riding horses competitively and instead participate in football or basketball under NCA rules once leaving high school.
NIL NCAA is also granted in cases where a student has exhausted all regular four-year eligibility and then chooses to play another sport sanctioned by the NCA for one season without having any redshirt years left.
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