The right seasoning can make any meal taste unbelievable so you just may be on the hunt for some unique options for savory seasoning. Here are some ideas that you might not have thought about when you are preparing your next meal.
If you happen to be cooking a dish that includes yellow or orange vegetables consider the following combinations. Oregano, garlic, and thyme go very well together. Dill, parsley, chives, and paprika are also good choices.
For dishes that contain chicken one option is mixing orange peel, sage, and ginger together. Apple cider vinegar along with thyme and marjoram is another delicious savory choice of seasoning.
Trying your hand at making herbed butter should lead you to consider mixes like garlic and marjoram. Chives, garlic, and sesame seeds in addition to sweet pepper, oregano, thyme, and basil should also be combinations to consider.
Preparing food from scratch does not need to be boring so looking into different seasoning combinations can help you take your home-cooked meals to the next level.