So you have spent countless hours looking at various MMA shorts on sale and you didn’t like any of them. Some were promising nothing was ever perfect. At least, none was good enough for you to purchase them. This is not an uncommon occurrence. These products were made for the general public so your personal preferences will never match them perfectly. If you want the best fit and excellent styling, then you will need to get the assistance of custom shops. They will give you free reign on how you would like things to turn out. You can draw inspiration for MMA shorts custom designs Australia from the following:
Popular Fighters
Who are your favourite fighters from the professional ranks? What did they wear when they were competing at their prime? Were there any memorable things about their shorts in famous fights? Of course, you could also emulate lesser known fighters such as more experienced fighters in your gym or people who impressed you from the amateur ranks. Wearing similar designs won’t get you to their level but these details can remind you of what you aspire to be. Perhaps you will be inspired to work harder and get better.
Classic Styles
Styles always change from one era to the next. Maybe the current trends are not suited to your taste. Perhaps you are more keen on wearing shorts with classic styles from the early days of MMA. This could be because you like the look or you love the fighters from that time. You never forget the first fight that you witnessed and the first fighters that you followed, after all. Study the designs of their shorts back then.
Cultural Heritage
Others like to incorporate some of their cultural heritage in their designs. It’s their way of showing how proud they are of their background. Maybe they also want young fighters to get inspired seeing them succeed. This could inspire them to do better in every match since they will be fighting for something bigger than themselves.
Personal Aesthetics
Many will try to inject some of their personal aesthetics into the design of the MMA shorts custom build. Think about your favourite colours and symbols. See how you might be able to incorporate these into the final product. You could seek the help of an artists to turn your vision into reality. You could also attempt to make your own graphics using free tools or ask the assistance of the custom shop.